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MICCA 2008 – Mechanics Hall Part 2

The Massachusetts Instrumental and Choral Conductors Association (MICCA) is dedicated to the study of music through performance. Creating opportunities for evaluation and expert opinion and feedback to all our participants in a non-competitive setting is our main focus. These festivals include district and state marching festivals, a concert festival, a choral festival, and a solo… Read more »

MICCA 2008 – Mechanics Hall Part 1

The Massachusetts Instrumental and Choral Conductors Association (MICCA) is dedicated to the study of music through performance. Creating opportunities for evaluation and expert opinion and feedback to all our participants in a non-competitive setting is our main focus. These festivals include district and state marching festivals, a concert festival, a choral festival, and a solo and… Read more »

Relay for Life 2008

Candidates Night 2008

The Foxboro Jaycees Candidates Night

4/2/08 Selectmen Meeting